Hotel Mira’s new album, Perfectionism, is a bold and cohesive project from the band formerly known as JPNSGRLS. The Vancouver based group, signed to Light Organ Records, released their first full album this year under their new name. In addition to the name, this album solidifies a new era for the band that listeners were given a taste of in the Hotel Mira EP (2018). It also offers a clearer vision of what we can expect from Hotel Mira in the future.
The lyricism throughout Perfectionism is dynamic and satisfyingly well-developed. The songs are witty, without losing the sense of self-awareness imbued in them by songwriter and vocalist, Charlie Kerr. “It’s rock and roll music that tied me my noose in the first place,” sings Kerr in “Jungle.” While those rock and roll influences are accessible through the percussion and bass of the songs on Perfectionism, thematically the album plays off of an angst and introspection more easily associated with alternative music.
In fact, “Jungle” is one of the stand-out tracks from the album alongside “Perfectionism” and one of the two singles released prior to the album, “This Could Be It For Me.” All three are catchy and an easy addition to any playlist. “Speaking Off the Record,” the other single from Perfectionism, is a slower, sadder track. “I’m brimming with questions I’m not gonna ask, afraid of the future obsessed with the past.” It adds a dimension of maturity to the album, and helps to create a balanced and well rounded tracklist overall.
Perfectionism is a perfect album to accompany us as we enter into the spring and summer months, and Hotel Mira is a band to watch as we move into the new decade.
Listen below: