music video review: what’s next? by career boy

Brooklyn-based surf punk band Career Boy released an inspiring and adorable music video for their track “What’s Next?” early last month. The track was written in frustration after one of the members lost his job which left him to wonder what’s next for him. “What’s Next?” is an ode to finding what you want out of life and setting goals for yourself, even if that means breaking out of your routine and the status quo.

Inspiration for the music video came after a friend of the band had access to a high-quality camera and they had just come up with a rough idea for the track. They decided they wanted to use the simile of a dog and a wagon, explaining it as “the idea that life is like a dog tied to a wagon, you’re the dog and the wagon is fate, your job, or whatever you want to call it. No matter what you do, or what choices you make, you have to go where the wagon goes.” This idea is perfectly encapsulated not only in the lyrics of “What’s Next?,” but in the video by using a modern dog’s life as an example.

The music video features Zeus, a small lively dog who breaks free from his leash and explores the world, with nothing holding him back. At the start of the video, Zeus’s owner pulls him away from the things he wants to do, like eat french fries and befriend other dogs. Once he breaks loose, he’s free to do anything his heart desires like making friends and eventually going to the beach. Symbolic of the meaning behind the track, the video shows that once we free ourselves from whatever is holding us back that we can truly live life to the fullest.

Watch the full video here:


Listen to “What’s Next?” by Career Boy here:

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