In order to overcome certain tribulations in life, we’re sometimes forced to take a step back, re-evaluate, and change from the ground up. Although the Indiana-based group Hoops has endured these trials and tribulations themselves after a self-proclaimed hiatus, they’ve returned from the shadows stronger than ever and are ready to move into the spotlight once again. Better yet, they’ve returned with an all new attitude, sense of unity, and tone that might be the beginning of something massive for the band. Massive enough to dominate the indie-pop charts without hesitation.
The Indiana-based group Hoops consists of life-long friends Drew Auscherman, Kevin Krauter and Keagan Beresford who ruptured onto the scene with their critically-acclaimed debut Routines in 2017 and maintained a ferocious buzz around the record before taking what seemed like an unexpected three year hiatus. But fortunately for us, the trio is back and are unravelling the release of their newest track “Fall Back” that’s also accompanied by an all new music video.
“Fall Back” starts with the ticking of hi-hats and a stunning murmuring of guitars that only slightly comes through, yet still gives us the signature haze one would only get from a Hoops dream-pop track. The song concentrates on the ideals of long-distance relationships and the yearning we might feel emotionally from something we care so deeply about. The chorus leads in with, “We never even gave it any room to grow. And there’s this look upon your face, like you already know.” With a somber touch from the lyrics, it’s still impeccably held up by upbeat instrumentation within the guitar lines.
The music video accompanied by the track “Fall Back” features a grainy camcorder aesthetic and a few fish-eye lens shots to give the overall video a vintage touch we can all adore. The video ultimately follows Drew riding around their hometown in Bloomington, Indiana on his motorcycle while wearing a sleek black leather jacket stacked with band pins–something you could imagine being picked out of an 80’s coming-of-age John Hughes film, need I say more? Drew also performs the song in an abandoned swimming pool as the camcorder consistently flares to black and white shots which gives off a classic 80’s feel once again.
Ultimately, we now understand where Hoops is going and better yet, where they have come from during their lengthy hiatus. It might have taken a few years to re-group and acknowledge what the band wants to achieve, but it’s clearer than ever that they are on track to climb right back to the top of the indie-pop realm. You can expect their next full-length album Halo in October.
Listen to “Fall Back” here: