The endless California winter has inevitably sent you into a search for moody music to match the perpetual overcast skies. So, imagine the delight when you stumble upon Benjamin Carter’s new release “Push,” dripping with emotionally reflective lyrics and a slow and steady-paced beat that mirrors that of downtrodden heartstrings. Why hadn’t you heard of the talented musician before?
That’s because 23-year-old Benjamin Carter has only recently launched himself into the public sphere of music within the past year, quickly gaining a following of almost 12,000 monthly listeners on Spotify. The Los Angeles based artist worked alongside producer and musician Jake Vicious to gift to us “Push” on February 21, 2019. In the composition’s humble beginnings, Carter recorded the song simply with vocals and a metronome before sending it off to be styled by Vicious. With this being Carter’s third single released, there is a sense of growing certainty in his musical abilities that allow the power of his lyrics to ring out in a way that proves to be emotionally striking and invigorating. Within the first forty seconds of the song, you can hear Carter’s voice beg the powerful question, “What if the answer isn’t the answer your heart wants to hear?” as the song’s melodies progress towards the chorus.
The powerful onset of percussion coupled with euphonic guitar riffs welcomes Carter’s chorus in a way reminiscent of a realized emotional awakening. This flow between lyrical questioning and a slow rhythm cascaded by evoking sentiment and prominent instrumental implementation not only creates a source of musical enjoyment, but a platform for introspection and emotion.
This course finds completion in the coming together of both gentle and strong musical stylings throughout the duration of the song’s closing minute. There is a noticeable blend of the song’s into, bridges, and chorus in a way that allows the listener to receive closure as the final notes are played out.
This appeal to symphonic competence and emotion is only part of what makes “Push” a must-listen-to-single; the heartfelt origin of the song makes it a complete masterpiece. Being written from an inquisitive state of confusion as to whether the truth is freeing or damaging, Carter wrote the song to reflect very genuine feelings and concerns. Don’t push away the opportunity to immerse yourself not only in a tuneful song, but in Carter’s story.