new song saturday: starjump/kit by julie

Shoegaze group julie just released their joint single “starjump” and “kit” last friday. This is their second release following their debut single “flutter” from March, which has since garnered over almost 300,000 streams on Spotify. The group’s sound is best described as fuzzy shoegaze with a grunge twist, taking heavy inspiration from the 90s.

“starjump” is the more upbeat track of the two songs, kicking off strong with a steady beat and crunchy, distorted guitars. Singer Keyan’s vocals seem eerie, somehow slightly monotone while still capturing the intense emotions encompassed by the music and the lyrics. 

The second track “kit” begins with a melodic bass line and vocals, leading into a glimmering guitar melody. The song then explodes with life as the full distortion kicks in and singer Alex’s ethereal vocals float over the cathartic instrumental release. “kit” is the culmination of the calm before the storm and the storm itself—the song is cyclical with the mellow sounds leading into strong, seemingly unhinged build-ups that abruptly fade back into softness.

Both “starjump” and “kit” show the unbelievable musicianship of this young band, and I believe there is a lot in store for julie–keep an eye out for them.

Listen to “starjump” and “kit” here:


Watch our live session with julie at Gothard Studios:

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